Brownfield, Texas (December 23,2024)- Come and Get it! The 2025 South Plains Underground Water Conservation District calendars are available and ready to be picked up.
Read moreThe Brownfield FFA held a stock show on Saturday at the Terry County Fairgrounds.
Read moreThe Brownfield City Council held a meeting on Dec. 19 at the City Hall chambers to address several routine agenda items before the end of the calendar year.
Read moreThe Brownfield & Terry County Goodfellows distributed more than 200 boxes of food and toys to families in the city and county on Tuesday, Dec. 24. Each family received food for a dinner and two age-appropriate gifts per child in the household. Families were chosen through nominations from the local churches.
Read moreMaybe you’ve heard this before, but it’s worth repeating. The difference between happiness and joy is, happiness is based on happenings. Joy, on the other hand, is a resilient cheerfulness anchored in the goodness of God.
Read moreThe Democrats’ spending spree in Washington during 2021 and 2022 sparked countless economic problems. Runaway government spending drove skyrocketing prices, draining household savings, eroding purchasing power, and stretching family budgets to their breaking point. As inflation surged, it deepened economic uncertainty and hardship for people across the United States.
Read moreThe holiday season brings more opportunities to socialize as we often travel or entertain guests. But there can be a sense of loneliness at the start of the new year after many of these social activities subside.
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