Brownfield High School grad Chili Morin represented his alma mater in the GWTBCA Allstar Game last week. He is pictured with his dad and Cubs Head Baseball Coach, Eric Morin.
Read moreTerry County residents who looked to the sky Friday morning might have caught a glimpse of the world-famous Goodyear Blimp passing overhead.
Read moreThe scorching summer heat is hard on our bodies, our moods, and our electric bills. Don’t let the temperature get you down, though. These seven tips will help you keep
Read moreChristina Maria Castro - Possession of controlled substances PG 1>=4G<200 G (Enhanced) - Ten years TDCJ, Probated ten years community supervision, successfully complete the SAFPF program as directed by CSCD,
Read moreDr. Jennifer Kowalik, MD began seeing patients this week in the BRMC Rural Health Clinic. She is a Family Practitioner and a licensed OBGYN. Dr. Kowalik, right, was getting to know her nurse, Letti, in the clinic Friday.
Read moreNew York, New York! That is exactly where some local residents found themselves recently pouring Texas, and more specifically, Terry County wines for the folks in New York City. On
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