Chicken Strips Mashed Potatoes Gravy Carrots
Enchiladas Rice Beans
Mushroom Steak Macaroni & Cheese Brussel Sprouts
Read moreU.S. President Donald Trump said he thinks there will be “a great deal” with China on trade, but warned that he has billions of dollars worth of new tariffs ready to go if a deal isn’t possible.
Read moreTexas Comptroller Glenn Hegar today said state sales tax revenue totaled $2.6 billion in October, 7.3 percent more than in October 2017.
Read moreHealth Care is a complicated issue, finding the right plan for you can be confusing. Below, is a list of providers which will allow you to receive rehab services at Brownfield Rehabilitation and Care Center (BRCC).
Read moreafternoon. The driver stated she had just picked up a load and saw smoke coming the back of the truck. She quickly pulled into a field and dumped her loaded
Read moreThe Our Promise Youth Academy’s Annual November Beard contest is underway. This is a wonderful fund raising project for the group. Edward Martinez stopped by OPYA to sign up and
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